Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 26, 8 February 1890 — DANGEROUS JOURNALISM. [ARTICLE]


It is conceded that Ha-waiian prosperity is Hable to suffōr injmy abroarl from late irresponsible and Tery unjudicions jounialism on the govornuaeiit side. The goyernment newspapers have alleged witli reiterated empl\asis that the National Beform party is hostile to the TJnited States and opposed to any treaty relations, This false statement was put forth as a campaign weapon.These newspai>ers 3 however, have more or less circulation abroad. That whieh was nsed during the campaigti t0 purposely misre. present facts and thereby delude people here, will appear as information abroad to the effect that a certain percentage of Hawaiian population is unfriendly to the XJnited States. The steamer whieh sails for San Francisco on the 14th instant, will earry the uevvs of the uiow certain victory of the National Befom> paj ty in the next legislature, where the people are now eonceded a good work' ing majority. This majority cannot now be redticed to any extent and is pretty certain to be increased when the full ret.irns are in. When the steamer of the 14th instant re:iehes the coast the informa" tiou seiit forward by tbe goverument papers together with prior campaign misre(_>re>;entūtions will ndjust themselves as follows : A majority of the population of the Hawaiian islands is hostile to tUe United States aml the treaty. This majorit-y, if the elaim of the government papers is h'uo, hus so expressed itself by voting the National Beforin ticket Of course the National Reform party is both friendly to the United States and is very mueh in favor of our pre• sent reciprocity treatv-. Therefore, what was intended by the two govern ment newspApers as a campaign weapon,becomes a political boomerang whieh is as likely to strike Hawaiian commereial interests as to miss them. Advertise in the Nationai, Hehald.