Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 28 December 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

We feel sorry for the Cabinet. Tbe pretliction in yesterday’8 ‘‘Ad▼erti8er" is a bad omen as everytbing prophesied by that paper generally turn3 out the other way. The morning Eliah prophesied that a vote of want of confidence would be brought in to-day. There were no signa of it. He further propheeies that the opposition amounts to only eighteen bood* lers" and •‘palaee partisans” and we now fear that he is off the track again, and that 26 or 2i will be tbs right figure. But then as long a« there ie life there is hoj>e and and Ananias might for onee tell the truth by accident. After a dangerous journey Repreeentative Nawahi arrived safely to town and took his seat and his 1250. We congratulate him upon both facts and hop« that the Hitcheoek faction in Hilo has learned a lesson whieh will not be forgotten in a hurry. Our Hilo correspondeut tells us about the efforts of the Hitchcock clique to defeat Nawahi, and we are glad that the money and wine spent for the purpose of assisting Mr. Akina’e election have heen wasted. Mr. Akina ean retire to hie dray and we hope that every ollieial who has had a hand in this <iiegraceful election-scandal will be retired to private life. Our Chriatmas Presents (Oontinu*(l.) Wm. \Vhite: A winninp lottery ticket and a denti8t’schairandliceusefto practics only on his Lahaina constituents) Nohle Kanoa: A vobnne o( *‘The Kidnappers” CBush and Smith Authors, Judiciary Committee edition) and a trip to Maiy-go-round after dark Nohle Anderaon: A box i.f tin soldiers and an improved alpual>et for the dea( and dumb. Nohle Horner: A bank-bill redeemable in molasses an alanu eloek fnot vetoed> for the use of government officiale and a vote of tbanks (Cabinet sire). Nohle Peterson: A new fishing-nght and neverthele«e a plaee among the eaints. Secret*ry McC«rthy; An endless session and a new appropriation for Legisl*tive expenses. lnterpreter \Vilcox: A free translation. 12Iessons from Oily Bill, and a new gas-tank, Editor Bulletin: A box of anti-bilious pills, a larger cirrulation, and no fami!iarity. Kditor P. C. Advertiser: A photograph of the Marshal's aealp (for office-nse) and a copy of the Polhieal Waltx or the art of xeversing. I Bepresentative Kapahu: A key to the Marquis o( lao’a iocker and a copy of, O. What a differenee in the morning. Nobl« Walbridge: A deed of oopannenhip with Kapahn faet in glaas ) and a set scens ol 30 ligbted c*ndlee whieh cannot be extinguished by ons rsTolver ahot.

Noble Williams: A Wtlsh lyre fharp;, some more roecban:c9' s»ving« for Ah Yonngs benefit, and a trip to >cotland. Minister Brown: A new baby carriage, a #econd hand copv of the School for ?-candal and the life of vidocq for family nse. his half-saiaiy returned, and a Kcs‘.. . 1 Minister Jones: Some Boston experience, a Tantalus hous-lot, a subecription to the Advcrtiser, and a Keal. Minister Robinson: A corner on Eananaa, a spoony Secretaiy, secondhand fish and poi for Legislative use and a Rest. — The following letter w«e picked up on the street this tnorning and | we priut it with a little punctuation thrown in. to show how the masonic ceremoniee of yesterday impress the youthful mind: ‘’KaMKHAMEHA SCH(X)L. AFTER XMAS. ”Dkeh Bobby. “1 got your letter by the stearaer yesterday aud was glad that I didnt go to Kailua with you heeouee we have had lota of fun here and oM Ole hae heen rather square t») us boys and not bothered us mutch. I have heen and seen the mss()U8 lie there cornerstone to there nu hotel near the old hotel and it was Iots of fun. The started from Quinn 8treet and walked behind the band to the nu plaee and we follcred them up and we neerly laffed to deth to aee them. The was just like the Noas ark whieh my small brother got tu Xmas —where the deers eome out to and two. There was all kinds <>f them and the didnt look like maaone worth a dammed. xcept He B Thomas who was mason in elaw hammer and stowpipe hat and looked fine. You ahouM had seen the lots of blue ribbon on them it was enuflf to run all the temparanee ahowa oM Ole bothers us boys about, and the just looked hanaome, more specially one big man who carried what I thot first was a sho-horn and a smile—as if he was saying 13 a pair miss and no chainge —and it was no sho horn but a big live soerd whieh he threatening to atab in the bag of a fat man whieu walk with Kenion. I knowed lots of them and Billy Oomwell was the prettiest of them all. and carried what 1 heard some body say wa« a nu cunstitooshun, but wae only the hill of fair. I 8aw a!so Dickej Davis but I dont tnink there was no bets on it bo he looked gloomy and walked strait. It was just as funny as a fewneral and Capten King had a ropesend of hlue ailk too, and kept the animale in order like Oie with us hoys. And some had hlue stiks and some bad wite stiks and it iooked like a regular sirc.is show only the bad no eiown and then some pretty girls in the sbed sang i and some wasnt pretty and tied B. Thomas bastled around and look fined and the long heerded fellow from the english church he ! praied worse than t‘le. and smiled i sadly. and then the buried the stone and a Xmas b>«x: and you would bave lafied to see Paul ail covered with hiue sjasbes talk i until you goi tired. First another . liUle fellow who had w«lked uoder j two hlue stiks wa e saying something wieh I eunnol heer onlv he says, says be, that ell masons &re good citirens. but then Paul sajs he lies— there is !ots of bed onee. and we muit bewair of them. And he told ihem all about it what the all knowed before. And tbe looked eo tied aa ns boje do when it is dedicasbnn daj bere, and tben

th# ssng «ome more *Dd cl®®red out «gain «nd looked hansom« onee more —«nd I heenl th»t th« w»re all brothers and 1ovm themselve«; but when I heard sorae of them by me by talk it would have make you wonder how hevvv all that love is. And ao all the deer* got back in the Ark again and bv me by I see them like eommon uien onee more mostly 6teering for the saloons so Ige8sthe wasdrie —I knows Paul was. Dont show this to anybody beconse I mite have spelled wrong and get it on the bottom from Ole if he seea it. I saw your gurl with Brown yesterday but that will be all rite and I ehall liek him on tomas square. I got a nu gurl. “Goodby we are to grub now. “Your “George.” The Oahu Railroad Company has again bribed the mercenary press and send a free pass to us. We tender our thanks and shall use it as frequently as we ean. We wouldn’t have minded if somo tickets had be thrown in for some small lunches a la Marsden to assist us in getting into the proper frame of mind when we “write up the road.”