Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 231, 29 May 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


(]Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for the utterances of our correspondents.) Editob 'IolomI'a, Haring carefully read the addresa of John L. Stevens “ to the United States puhlie,” published in the Bulletin of May 24th, I ean eonie to no other conclusion, than that John L Stevens. at heart, is an unscrupulou? filibcsterof the pious type —a fit tool, sent here by Jauies G. Blaine of “Mulligan letter ” fame, to rob a eountry of its nationa!ity. Of such is the boasted Americanisrn of John L. Stevens. Although consider5ng present circumstances that Mr. Stevens has been recalled, and will no doubt be forever laid up in ordinarv, by the American govern,ment —it will only be an act of charity to say that the old man 'wa» probably swamped in his dotage. and hardly responsible for his acts. Another thing, our tropical climate acting as a surt of eondenser upon the nervous system of the old gentleraan from the co!der regions of Maine—has probably accelerated the “ flabigation ” process. Let the old gentleman rest in peaee if pos»ible, with the eonscience that aeeompaniea him to hi» lonely retreat—scorned by all Hawaiian subjecta, and the Ameriean nation. CoBTA RlCA.