Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 255, 3 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

By the latest Australian papers received eahle advices are given from London, stating that the ProvisiouaI Government has appoineed a commission tooffer the annexatioa of these Islands to Mr. Giadstone, The latest N’ew York Sun’« correspondence from here seems lo confirm this by stating that “not here and not at Washington" overtures have been made towards annexing these l»lands by some other power if America should refuse or not grant the terms asked by the P. G. It also stat«« that tbese overtures (wherev«x tbey have been made) have received very fav(.rable responses. Now we recall the terms under whieh th« P. G. erected its head by Divine permission of J. L. Stevens and made due proclamation of the fact ihat it wa» erected solely to secure annezation to the United Stata» and would only exist till it had »ecured that end. Treacherou» alike t<» this their adopted land they uow uropo»« to be the same to the land of th«ir origin and nativity and to say hke little children fighting over a plaything **If I can’t have it you shan’t.” Who ean doubt the ultimate end of such selfish, unpatriotic, bartering hucksters in every •nterpri»e they takeinhand? It is only one more proof of the «b9urd l»ck of Btatesmaaship and of the pos8e8sion of babyish faculties whieh they have given ever aiuee they crept into power under the sheltering arm» of J.L. Steven» «nd the U.S. sai!or» and marine«. What a eommenl on tbe vanity of human wishes! What an exeelleul illu»tration of Burn»’ line»: “Tbe best l»id eeheme» ol miee and men Uang aft a*ley'.” All this cou»piracy against p<)pular rights and free gov(rnment by Americans under tbe protection of tbe American Mini»ter Re»itient, and «ided by the presence of it» armed foice« to end in banding over the islands to Great Britain, as a colony and fortves» of offence again»t their country! We ean find no word» »troog enough to »tigmatize thi» proposed «ct of double treachery. Let u» »ay onee for all that whatever excu»e the P.G. and it» in»tigatorsandsupporter» might el aim to have (and whatev«r »bow of rigbt they might elaim) for handing over the people of tbeee island» boand hand and foot to their n&Uve country, th«j h«ve none whaterer,either right or »h»dow of right,to hand tbem ov«r to Englaad withont first m eith«r m«c con»ulting th« people they propoee to d»»poee of eo aneenmoa iou»ly.

Wbks does th« Manhal propo«e itqpping making an aas of himself? The lateet eihihiūon of that gentleman ia his aending for Libornio, tbe band-ma«ter to teli him that he “must keep his band off the Oeeanie Steamship Company’a whart” la Mr. Hitchcock, the boaa of that wnarf, or is he the agent for that CoiHpany, whiiee ateamers are anchored there? We are informed lhat no eomplainl has heen mane to the Marshal in regard to the Nalional Band bv the Oeeanie Steamship Company, and we would iiae to know by what authority this Mr. Hitchct)ck issues his mandate that the band has t») “keep olf” Mr. Spreckels’a wharf. We might say something extremely nnpleasant about this matter, b;it shall be satistied by ealling Mr. Hitchcock’s attention lo the fact that he is not in Hilo and that there are about as smart peoole in Honolulu as is Mr. Hitchcock. We advise Mr.Libornio and his band to go to the Oeeanie Wharf as long ae the Company whieh holds the lease <>f that eoncern permits it. and if Mr. Hitcheoek should ehooee to send any further nolieee to him to hand them to his attornev, and leave him to an»wer them. A warrant of arrest is the oniy notice from Mr. Uitchcock whieh deserves attention from anybody.