Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 256, 5 July 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


We do not hold onn»lve« reapon§ible for tbe attenuiceeof our corree(x>ad*3nt§. Editob Holowi ? a: If the P. G. de*ire3 to maintain tbe laws and order of the country a? they every day elaim to do tnrough its governmentai organs, tbey ought to send aome of their “drei hundred” (those not damaged by Larsen) out of the Park and aee for themselves with their own naked eye how the people are being aonoyed by eome of their kid adherenU who are breaking tbe laws of 1892 by treespaasing on the private Dremiaes of the peoole, witbout permisaiou and by »hooting birds that don’t belong to them. If ihe government don’t look into thi s matter, I will »uggeet that the Hawaiians wiil Uke care of themeelves and then eome of the foolfl will get hurt. Mynah-Dovk.