Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 28, 8 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Thk other day we startled the puhhe by annouucing from our varied Bources of information. of whieh we have tbe mort numerous and correct of any journal in Honolulu, that the P. G. h«d already oommenced to negotiate annezation witb England without waiting for •itbef tbe result of Commi«ioner Blount’s feport, or the anewer to their own projected treaty now in the hand» of Mr. Thurston. We had supposed tbat this impolitic »tep would at onee have heen denied by tbe annexatiomst rags whieh now do tbe job of farnishing liee and vi!ification for the delection of tbe aalaeioue bloodbounds who snpport them in plnnging the oountry into ruiu. But nol Not a word ftom tbe motoing prevaricator, while tbe afternoon slanderer eomea boldly oot yeeterday and statee tbat America must not let the Monioe doctrine stand in the way of theee 8elf-apf ointed maatus of ihe deetioie8 of the country, when tbey now dssire to hand it over to Great BriUi&*s gentie care as Unele 8am does not eeem deairous of endonūng tfaeir highbanded act of robbery. The hannooM whiM8t«8rfaily «hnt Amenew mml aUheao hsxd m I» pwallhpw 8tnsl nimilee of tbe |ynafli of aaM&MW

and Minister Bloont, who but i sbort titne ago were assured by thii veraatii« mountebank tbatit didn matter «f tbey didn’t give us an nex.-ition the P. G. was stronj en)ugh and wou!d mainlain ītsei for the next tbree years. and longe if necessary, until the Repub!icai partv swept Messrs. Cleveland an< BIount off tbe face of the politica earth. and relegated tbem to tha positi<)D from whieh they neve; woold have been drawn if the Sta and tbe Uonoloiu annexationist couid have their wishes. •*Alas! poor Yorick,” said Ham let. Bot Yorick was dead an< tbis was roerely a tribute to hi; faithfuiness and consistency. Th( Star man is alive, and yet, we saj to him, “alas! poor Star,” to hav< to jump so qnickly and so immedi ately the reverse of all previou; po«itions, and to have to do thi< not onee but six times a week with four weeks and someodd day to the month, at the biddtng of j set of imheeile gaping gawks o of tinkers. soap-makers, ledger-de laoers, pill-compounders. law-laek ing bullock-drivers, cattle-duffer and othere of that ilk whose idea of statesmanship are not even a valuable of those of the thre tailors of Tooley Street and whos general behaviur puts one in mine of the wise men of Gotham or Tyl £ulenspiegel. “Alas! poor Star 1 “Con8istency thy name, is woman,’ a poet says, but we tbink he woui< nowadays award the palm to th differentiated Smith (or perhaps U the pen whieh writes the Smith who started out so bravely to rui thia country to suit his ideas. bu apparently bas to get a new se every day. _ Yes, Starry Smith is bicl again at his editorial desk We n)ticed it immediately whee we read his paper last night aae saw that he again had lost hii gnppe—his grip on gdography When he talks about V T enezuela Nicaragna, San Domingo and, Cubf and such otber small countries wh*ch he in aize classifies witfc Hawaii, we ,don’t know if wt should rather creait such classification to his formerly illustrated ignorance of geography or tn th< swelled head whieh seem« to bc such a natural appendix for &ny blatant, fullfiedged English-born American on the day following th« fourth of July—a head whieh makes a conntry like Venezu6U (of tbe sizē of the whole United States’ Pacific eoei) look to him say like Maui or Nicaragua (of tbc size of California) like Lanai. When he in anotber eolumn, sings Ta-ra-ra-da-boom-da-ay in Sierra Leone on the Eati coet of Africa, he simply repeats his old trick from the time when he shifted Kiel and Heligoland around «nd placed tbem in a moel myiterioaBly im< possible jaxtapoeitioo. Take ne more quinine *and Kentucky, oid man: plaio soda with geograpby is your medicine now.