Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 258, 10 July 1893 — RHETORIC TO THE RESCUE. [ARTICLE]


In lhis parli>u9 tīmes the humao •oul i* frequently 8timuiateti tn hne bur?ta <■[ Miserv oomm»nd9 rbeloric. Noth:ng of recent utteranee has pre3enl;d ihe perva?ire deapair of the human race and the general c»ndition of rack aud ruin coneequent upon the retirement of the Hepuhiiean pariy from power more terribly than this lofty fl ght in an *vening cont-rap<irarv; Fate hansr> penduions overtnHawaiian Island9 Likethe sw<»rd f Damoclf9, f Jll freighted d;? 9wmgs by asingle thread ab»ve the h> ad of thi9 nnf>rtunate p *»ple, thi$atening linaneial uii?f-rt.r;ie and pos8ibly bloody war. The Hawaiiau bistonan 9t.>ys h 9 pen iwaiting the outcome, whilo m \V.iahington the broad girthe<i.p.ar-ro«-minded arb;tralor .'f t i? Ltt'e 1 country’a welf:«re dev>>t«-9 hm>' .f I . 88;d iouflv to the ladling out ot I p>>litical papaud ihe petty inl- re9ta whieh centre m his own per9Ji.al aggranJizeraent. Darring the fact that thi“ Jeremiah may have mistaken the m.'9t exct‘lieut Mr. Nokphokk tur the sword of Damoclbs. there i? inueh in thi.9 swirl of unpenl en. ti >n that c>»umiaa«i9 our astoni8huieut and awe. The picture of full-freighted disaster swiuging by u silkta tliread over the Saudwich l9lands is iu ilself bold and picture8que,but when we eome to the narr«>w-raindtd arbitrator of “this liUle co intry" ludliug oul “the petty intereaU whieh ceutre in his own per9«>nal aggrandizement,” contempt f>r our 8pecies cunouiIy raipgles with a measureless sympathy tdr tlie Sandwieh Islands. That the Tre8ident of the I T nited St tes at such a crisis in the alfiiri of tlie Sandwich island9 should go pusilIanimous y on attending to ■. the sickening detaila of his ««īlieial Uutie8 passes belief. He supinely refusea to screara or orate or quote Scripture. Aiul the Hawaiian historian—this is the sadd>*9t thing of all—has to stav his pen a>>d wait. Think cf this iufernal injustice to the Hawaiian hist>>rian! If it were not for the unsettied conditiou of the Peuaion BureaU and the Uniled Siates ireasary,the peoplewoold undoubledly eallupon UENiAMINiHAKKiaO.N aud Mr.FoSTKB to hurry bacX lo \Vashinglon and relieve thal Hawaiian hialonan.