Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 30, 22 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Thk aj>pointment of Pr<>ff*gBor W. D. Alexander to be Mr. Thurs- I tf>n’B aasiBtant ministeror whatever ' it-ieU>the UnitedState8Goveinmen- : ment ie the Iut»-Bt moveoīi the part 1 of the |>rovi8ional government. We conBĪder th)B Btep an outrage —on ProfegBor Altxander. He has here- ; tofore juatly and unanimously enjoyed the reputation of a gentleman nnd a scholar. and his honesty has been ahove criticism during his bonorcd career in this country. Why he has heen forced or temptcd or induced to heeome a partner in that cigantic lie nhieh is being enact»-d in America by the emis- ! saries of the provi8ional government in Hawaii. we do not know. Profc68or Altxander, whoee word and worKs ae a historian could be received with the utmo8t fuith and wUh «11 uasunince8 as to their corrrctneB8 will have to tell what ie false if he is to carry out his mieaion in Waehington. He will have to aesert that the Hawaiian people desire annexation. Thal the rev<>lution was a 8pontaneoue outbur8t * f the will of the whole Hanaiian nation and nol the reeult t«f a mieerable eonepiracy between a minisier of tbe United S?tates and a gang of disgruntled defeated polilieiana. He will have to paini a picture of tbe weallh and intelligence and unaelfish motivee to whieh the anneiationista in Hawaii elaim a monopoly. He will bave to enlarge oo tbe great number of intelligent meo.bere of the anneialion of whieh eome are ahle to read ihdr own name while tbe majority uee a eroM io identify tbeir indivīdu*Iity nnd mark tbe difi»reaoee I»iween the difierent Manoeia, and be will forget to WHmiioo tbe murder organizatioo, tbe anarehiaiie piac*rde,tbe tkreata of lioleoee toward« poliUeal oppooenla. acd the ooatioued oowardly hmulia again?t tbe Que«o io whieh tb* meahen of that aiieged Amenoaa <dob«kmL HewillHwo tailtbe Amwioan people ahout tka wood«rful mouruee in tbia oo«wtry am|

ly pl*y* tim>ogh lbevr int«T*tiee« whiie its liuie apoJogy fbr a enanium is endeavoring to bury itse!f in tbe dust kicked up by ita own self coostructed and aeif dia- | cuvered trap io tbe vain hope that tbereby it pleaaee its Amenc*nand ! British re«ders alike. Having insulted the one a«d scared tbe otber I by ita rasb breaks.it low eodeav«rs v> follow tbe French Academy's j definition of a crab and crawfisb ool of tbe meaa it got itself into by asaerting that tbe Holomi'a is engaged in a giganticoin8pincr wiih ! tbe Brit ; sb Mioister R-sident, Mr. T. K. Darieē.and Pnneeea Kaiulaoi toavert Amenean annex«tion in order to finally acqnire Britiab supremacy in thia Kingdom. Were it not tbat American citizene who may pnesibly read the , Star although we are informed by tbat organ that the only uae it haa hitherto been put there ia to decorate the inaide of a foundation atnne while italao atates lhat we, — the Holomi'a— are quuted everywhere) may possibly imagine that j there is aome truth in thia raare’a nest, alleged to have been diacov- « ered by the Star, we haalen to remark tbst but one member of the editorial and working staff of the Hawaii Holomua wh9 born a Britiah subject (and ia proud of that birthright) and that all of them, fr*m the editurs down to the newacarriera, who are of sufficieiit age, have h»d tbe right to vote, and ex- i ercise the privileges of citrzenahip , in this kingdom, even befure the I ; C»natitution of 1-87 allowed fore- | igncra the privilege of voting afler j one year’s rcsidence, and that Ihoae who are or were too young to have that privilege will certainly elaim to exerciae it when of pruper age aa j citizena of the country, - But to henr this accusation from the Star makea ua laugh—genuinely laugh at his mis-applied ignoranee of what every one here knowa to be true. We—as repreaenting tbe Hawaiian j*eople—who aubsj oribe and write fi»r our paper. and , d.iily and weekly c«mmend our attitude by enlarging our aubscriptiun liat are opposed to «nnezation in any form—British, Amerlean, or any other, and are soIeiy desirous of seeing tbe Uawaiian group keep ite status as an independent monarcby under the rule of its Sovereign chiefs, friendly to «11 naiiona and inimieal to none. While tbe Star, gutten up an annexation organ by alleged Americans in Amenean interests, and edited by « wbitewssbed Amenean fintisber bas re* peatediy in tb« past f«w weeka stated that if the Amenean nation will not annei us then Great BriUin will be ssked to. This peculiar wayof saying Ett% Bruie! would not be rcmarkab)e were it not thst Ihe publisher of the SUr is an £nglish subject aod its editor a whitewasbed Britisber. Cao «t aay more than that it aeema thst iheea (knowiog so well, as they sllege, the tactics of ihe Brit(sh Minister Resident and Mr. T. H. Davies) have infioeoced the P. O. to torn tnlton to tbe ooiy object to which*ihey —lf olaCt*d ikam*elves undcr tbs prortectkn o( tbs U. 8, mioistsr J. L. 8levsws thst of sansxalioo tn tb» United 8UUs —snd dse)ars, sad sct scoordmg|y that sooosr th*a Wt gn of tbsir ssbnss snd positions, tbsr will lry «ttd tbs «o«nlry of thsir ortgin, aad band thi» ooaatiy, bound baod •ad lool, ovsr to tbs toadcr merctes Britaia whieh tbey { MMM In MUW ■>* Im NlaAaa * . - " 'i * I _ I