Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 268, 26 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Mr. R. D. \Vai.bk.i> :k h.is b j > i pres ‘iit«‘d with u very h in<ls>me 2>>ld w ttc!i by his f rtner f-*!'<>*v-eiiiiena in W'ailuko Maui, is a i t *ken of their esteeiu aud Alolia t>**v;ir>!s him. Tiie d *n<*rs ernhrace a!! t**!iticil and s>c i! cl »Bs*snn M.aii and tluir gr;ic 1*1 ae’. on fur?her ernph is zes the j>opn!aritv <>f Mr. \Valbri*l;»e B<it 9 ii’li re- : nc>ved i»n*of of his popnlarity will no doubt f<irther <1 nnn hira in t 19 ey sof Ihe R* f <rm I*.irtv witi* h oniy ru \kes S'.ich of ;ts ra«*inh rs *v >rthy of recogniti *n an 1 r*** r ir*l f>r p >!itical s«*rvices wh * nnd* rstmd li >\v t<* m.ike therase!ves as obj«*ctionable a? p>s?ib!e to the puhlie, &n*l thro«agh their genera! cussedn*s« to briug thenselv> s and their p>rtv into h>tre l and conte npt. If Mr. Waibridge, instead nf being •‘«alehe*!” and “cupped” bv tbe pe<>i>Ie on Mani, ha>i heen ndden out of the plaee on a rail, he won!d by Attorney Genera! Smth's »dininiatrati<>n have b ea <>tT re<l and given tlie ch<*ice nf a!I the f.tl bi!leta i.i tne gft > f fh«* P. tl.