Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 278, 8 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Thk Adverti§er contains a very int« resting account of the expcdition to Kalalau from Koolau’a p<»int of view. The report carriea with it the stampof trutb. and ii undoubtediy correct Doe« not Pre«ident Do!e thmk that it is time now to raise the martial law in tho distr»cts of Waimea and Hanalei before more ridicule is thr>wn on the whole »»ff;iir? We notice that Koolau &mused when thnr f*mous goat hunter W. 0. Smith Iost his breath by climbing up to the all* gvd slrongholdof theoutlaw, and d du’l fiid him. while be was ch>ee by watching the Unding of the grent Atl«>rnev-General. Kr>olau wjs not the only one who was amustd. The rest ol' tbe country hss h»'! the>r h:iw! haw! over His Excellency’s fizzie.