Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — A Petition to China. [ARTICLE]

A Petition to China.

From a prominent Chinese Merchant, we learn that a petition bv tlie leading C'ainese here asking the Eraperor to uegotiate a tre itv with Hawaii was handed to Tsui Kwo Yin, the returning Chinese Minister yesterday. Tsui Kwo Yin stated to the pe:itioners that he woukl lay the matter before tlie Eraperor. but was of the opiuion thaf it is extremely doubtful if such a treaty eoukl bo entered iuto, because the relaticns between the two conntries are too insignificant to warrant the expeuse of keepiug a Cbinese Embassy in Hawaii. whieh woukl cost the Flowerv Kingdom at the lowest figures ยง10,000 per year. However, he stated he woukl do โ€œ I his best to procure treaty rela- โ€™ tions between the two countries. t I โ€”