Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<Brafral Theo. l'. SsvtRt' . A. 'V. l>Ol>Tt;. IALOHA GftLLERY, ■1" Foht Strekt, HoNOi.ru-. Portraits 3c Landscapes F hn! Co’’e:tion o t H*w«i;au P. O R x 49S “FAT BOY." BAYHOSSEfe 8AL00N ! T. MrINERXY, I RorRiETOR Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cobnf.k Bethkl and Hotēi. St-. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST.^ C“mer of King aiui Bethel Sts., rj..taini, Entran« on Kiug Street. Ofpice Hocbs— From 9 a.ni. to 12 ni.. 1 to 4 p.m. Suml«v8 excepto<i. CHAS. GIKDLER. Impoiter and Commitjsion Merchant. - AGENT FOR •E .V P. Coatri’ Maohine Thread •I.nimi Brv>ck»’ Maohine Thtea'.l Barbour’s Liuen Threed Pears’ Soap P. O. B«s 3ō8. Mntnal Te!<pIione 7(M ESTABL1SH£D A. D. 1F63 Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! ! B -A. K ,K H Y amd Ice Cream ParIors F. HORX, Pi:opi!If.top,. PRACTICAL Cuiile('tioiiep I Omamenter In all branches of the bnsinesp on these islands. AMERICAX. FREXCH, EXGLISH and OEEMAN PASTR1ES MADE T0 ORDER. Wed(ling aml Birth-day CAKES ■ M.-ule of the verv best material, unsorpassed in richness of qoali ty and OTn»mented in anapproachable stvle. at lower prices than nny other establishiuent in Honolulu. FamiliJ \ F8nciJ Bi<0ad,! i GuavaJe!ly, I Pre.«erved Tamarimls aud Tamarind Svrup. ALL CONFECTIONERY MHnufaetureil at my Establisbment are Gaarantee>l ti be PosmvELt Pcp.e and sold at prices no other estabiisbment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE,| No. 71 Hotel Stkeet, Between NuuanuandFort Streets 1 BOTH TELEPHOXES No. 74.