Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Jusuranff 2lotifr& MAE.IKE INSUEANCE. Thk Uxdersu;xed i.s authorizc*<J to take Maiine Risks ox Hul1 s, Car£roes, Hreisxlits and Commissions, at Current Kates in the follovring Companies, viz: . lliinnc ‘ Assurance Fire A. Uarine, - Lonāon ]VUhclmei of Madgeburg Gen’l. Ins. Co. $un Insurance Co., - - Sart Francisco .1. S. WALKEK, Aycnt for Ha'waiian Islands E. B. THOMAS, TELErHOXES: Bell 351. Mnlual 417. Contractor Buildcr -5 I ResIDE\CE : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. Estimates Given on All Kinds OF 1)1)11' ll i IHON, m MIW000EN BUILD1NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brick, I.iiue, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d <t New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; C»iifornia aml Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and BIocks, etc., etc. ( Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: ’Office Hours, 8toiaM„ ( ito4P. M. Anehoi Saloon, Criterion Saioon SOUTHEAST Corner of King & Nuuanu Sts. TH£ Finest Brands PFB AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the ceIebiHted JOHN WEĪLANH EXTRA PALE LAGER OF Wines & Liquors ‘■i H0T LUNCH DAILY Fi\>m 11:30 a.m. io 1:30p.m. W. M. CUNNIKGHAM, Manaokh. CHOCK LOOK. MERCHANT TAlLOR, No. 32! Kauanu Strec«, ALL SCJTS Gi'ARAXTFFD TO FIT, and MADE in thr BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED Also, a Frfsh Isvok b of Califomia 0yster s -KOR0YST£R COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. NOTICE TS HEREBY' GIVEN THAT Han Lot *nd Cei\ Keal bave this day SOLD ALL THEIR RIGHT8 in a Certain Leuse of PremĪ8es situated in Kalia, Waikiki. to PANO AH MAN. .VXD KEPAIRED. | Hoaolulu. Sept. 13, 1803. lw