Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — The Paeihe Cable. [ARTICLE]

The Paeihe Cable.

Mr. Saufonl Fleuiing, a r*ivil engineer. ami who is connecteil w;th tho Pacific Cable eeheme w-\s n passenpe T> by the steamer Warrimoo, from Victoria to Answhere he goes in the interests of the project. He was bosy yesterday obtiining information , reganling the !<>cation of is1ands j nearest our gronp. also of those j i not already occnpied or tak* n ' of bv any foreign power for the pnrpose of nse as a touching plaee Mr. Fleming tneans bnsiness cs bis enquiries for information npon the dtsired p )ints were e\tensive. ft 5s t > be boped that these ; , isl:inds will uot receive Ihe go ; lr, :is in that eaae, the islands | :ld l 5 Uio losers of great ad- i \.mtages. It is maeh better to lose nunexation. As these islands i\re very desirab!e as a landing plaeo, upon the settlement of our poiitical cris<s wiil depend the qut*stion whetber oi no the landiug will be made bere.