Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — CHOLERA IN EUROPE [ARTICLE]


Grrimsby Declared Infected — The Epidemic oa the Continent. [by cable to the herald.] Lonuok, »Sept. 1 1893. — Tlil port of Grimsby, in Lincolnshire, has been declared to be infected with eholem, aud trafiic between it and other British ports has been prohibsted. Daring August there were eight_y deaths in Gricasby from whnt wn3 called at first diarrhcea aud later a choleraic disease. The general belief now is that many of those deaths were dne to eholen». A trawler arrived at Grimsby this morning with a case of eholera aboard, and was detained iu qnarantine. KOUK MOKE CA3ES. Foisr fresh cases of cho!era and two deatiis have heeu reported to the Grimsby authoritie» to-day. The town ? s rV-ver hospital has been prepared lo receive cholera cases. It h:ts accomtfodations f>r aevenly patients, and ail who apply t>>the manapemenl will be treateel without charge. BKEAKS OUT AT OEKOA. Two freeb cases of cholera and two de»ths were reported in Genoa on Tuesday. 8«*en fresh cases were found in the CTty of A!essandria yesterdav. In Palerrao the nmnbT of fresh cases averages thirly ddly. 8everal case8of eholen» have been found in ll >me, M ssina and Oaiania. BUSSIA ? S RECORD Theofficial ch<»lera r-curd 5n Russia by provincea for the last week is as foll»ws: — P.*delin, 96-> fresh c«?es and 285 deaths; Kursk, 493 fresh cmsps and • 1S1 deatb>; Kasao. 390 tr>-sh cas*-s i and 104 deaths; Valdio»ir. 33S fr-sh | casesand ll0d-aihs;T iJt,358fr>“sh ; cases and 100 death*; 10fi fn*sb cases and 64 deaths: Volh»nia. 124 fresh cases and 49 deaths; Kharkoff, 182 fresh cases and 87 deaths; Khersen, 1S5 fresh cnses and 103 deaths; Don. 172 fr-sh cases and 93 deatbs; Ekaterinoslav, 72 fresh cases and 72 deatbs. In Sl Peiershurg city tbere wc*re 4Q fresh cases «nd 15 deaths; m M.iae.iw city, 102 fresh e »ses and 58 death«.

C *SF3 IX HOLl IND. Tfae ch«->Iera retum? f->r R tt - r- • dam t*» d«y are one fresh c*.-e apd n oaedt-alh; for Kr.iiicgen,one f Leerdara. fonr freshc ‘ses,«»r ed-:'th; ī Derenler, une deu;h: H»nswtert. > thrae fre?fa ca,*es no de>lhs. THE KPIPEVIC IN ITAtY. t In Naple? t- -day there were r - p<irled six de.*tht from cho!era b»’t no fr sh e In P.)Ierni-> fi\"? de-tths. no fr- -h ca«es; in Casmo u*e death, no fr-> * ! cases. A woman died of a d'arr oe-! disease in 11ull yesterd y. .1 :s mm'inl th »t she had i cholera.