Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

$usin($s (C?rrts B3UCE & A. J. CARĪffRIGHT Ba'iDef« of a Fiduci«ry N «tiir** Tr"Bsacte<l. l*ro upt āUeuhou |OTru t<> tiie imuuKemeul o( Estates, Gaxrj'.ai>ahi|M, Trosts. etc., etc, rte. OjfH:en, Cmrlmrlght Bnilding, Men-hanl Stie«t, Hun>>lnlii F. H. REDWARD. aiXTRA«'TOR aku BCILDER, No,- 500 Kmcr Hoaolulu, Hawni m Isl ruls. M ACFARLANE <t C0. in Wines and Spiriis K<u»Lniu»an Stm-t, H.iuoinln. IWn Tel ph iue 381. p. O. B.js 3-2 W. W. WRIGHT <fc SON, Carriagz and Wagon Builders IX ALL 1TS BUANUHES. 79 nnd 80 Kina S(reet, Honolnlo, H. I. H. E. M(TNTYKE <fc BRO., Gboceby, Pkkd Store <fe Bakebt, Corner of an<l l^<•< i Sts., Honolulu. J. PH1LL1PS. PRACTICAL PLU.MBER, GAS FTTTFH COPl*ER-SMlTH, Icfr H-inse ;md Ship J<.h 'W'ork Promptly Executed, No. /1 King Street. Honolulu. E0NSJlL¥ES & 00., Importers <fc De>ders in Groceries, Winea, Splrits, &c. QueonSt., Honolnlu. Ii]mpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, PK'iPKimoK. Fine Vlm$ f Liquoi% Eeei 1 , ALWAY8 on haxd. Corner Non.mn and Hotel Streete EEWIS J. LEVEY, I?eal Estate and General Auctioneer. Corner F.irt and Qnecn Streete, Hono'nln Person«il «ttenti'D g : ven to Sales of Fnrn»inre, Ro«l Estate. Stock ;md General Mercbandise. Mulual TcJephoae 238. Telephono 381. Po«t OfBce Box .‘t2. W.W. WRIGKT&SŪN «£§ Camage & \VagoB BuiMers In All Its Brasches. Horsc8hoeing ~ A SPEC1ALTY. 79 and 80 King St., Honoluln. i