Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — "After the Boston Eall" Notes. [ARTICLE]

"After the Boston Eall" Notes.

_ lt »8 said, tliat tbe Palaee Batld : ng was desecrated last night Tnat tbe en*e-t. ; nment given tbe e was ihe poorest ever t»een or alleud»l ia Honolula. Tbat Po. .i 0 Jese women with ! babes ii tbeir a >H8 we e paradi ig 1 thioagb tbe ball room. That the sanper was poor, that i no sandwiches were provided, that tbe salad oil w&s rancid, that there weie uabotle’-ed jouks of bre;id se ved. That gnests gramblod abont the condition of tbe sapper. That aU slyles and cond’t ; ons of cloihing were worn last nipiu. That the grests f<» ,, owed Ihe Star's snggestion in that respect. Tbat as at 10 o’e'oek the female poi’.on and children of the Pi’nehhowl s'opes bngade, made a grand eha ge oa Ihe sapper tables, ibeve was not any supper leit at 11 o’o’oek. That the following daett was hea d at the ball: Tourist. “So that dn.Ter that shaves his head ius'ead of his jaws is you»- General, eb ? ” K.imaaiua, cor-ecting him. “No, he is onlv C'>mmander- o' the-foi ces - with-the-rank-of-colonel.'' Toorist. “Lord; what a routf? Why, J’U bet ho don’t know how to draw his swo-d.” Kamaaina. “ Perhaps yoo are right, but—yon shoald see him draw his sal»rv.” That the “promiaent nativeHawa'i^^ns’, nt Ihe baU last night abont whom tbe AdverLiser epeaka cousisted of Messrs Kawa'nui. Jusepa and John Ena—a trio indeed! That the “Oip'omaia” whom tbe Star said, woald be at the ball last nigbt were uot to be aeen. That Laeien Young was silent and speechiess last nigbt. Had anybody been crnel enough to put a pad!ook on his over flowing mouth? Tbat the lady patronesses did not fo!low iha Star’s saggestion, and occupy seats on tbe Dias. Was it respect for ihe Queen, or the fear of an evil eomoienee that prevailed and carsed the better coai-se. Thatone HawaUan RoyaIist weot, because he wanted to “shnw off" his pretty bride, and that he has h>cn kicking hiraself all night and ati day, heeauae there was nobody to ••8UOW ol T’ t<». ( ■' - I

That one thousand >>ersons did not attend the b* 11, that it waa the slimn»*st gathering 01 society people ever eeen in this city, and tli. t the Adveiti3**r is asbamed to pubiisb the n.in?es of tnose preeent. That the ball w is referred to as » “grand fiasco,” by one who was presentThat tbe annexationists are sending abroad by tbe mail this aftercooo a list of the invited gnests for poliiieal pnrposes, that it will be a misrepresentation. that will not be believed after the Holomua is read. Th»t a gentleman gue»t went to the puueh room for a drink, on ap-

pn>aching tbe gucch bowi a Iarge P>>rtogaeftf iadrjust finisbed drinking wbat she wisneil frcm a glass and threw tbe rtruainder haek into the bowl. That the gentieo3eQ did oot take *ny puneh.