Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Mr Edwanl C. Macfurlane is expected to return on the steamer Australia. The fl »g at the l’nited States Consulate was at half mast today ont of respect to the raemory of Ex. Secretary Harailntou Fish. Mr. Robert Lonis Stevenson will remain as our guest a while louger. The captaiu of the Alaraeda declined to take him owing i to the “me«sly” cond.tiouof his | servant. Our promineut fjllow-citizen l Attorney-at-law Chas. Creighton, celebrates his 3lst birtbday tod«y. The Holojtta wishes him roany happy returns of the day and lots of fees. An enthnsiast of tbe Star wants another ball giveu «t the Palaee bui)ding on the 17th of Januarv next year. For “God’s s»ke/’ a repetition of last Monday evening’s aflair' Better wait and 1 h»ve it on the 29th of Janoary.