Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — For the Annexationists in Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

For the Annexationists in Hawaii.

The Nippon strongly criticises the propensity of fureigners in Japan to insult the uation by posting plac«rds at the gates of their premises tbat uo Japanese are allowed tu enter. Our eonteiuporary strong!y appeals to its couutryraen to inake foreigners give up such a custora.

Neither United States Minister Albert S. Willis or Consul General Ellis Mills arrived on the Alameda tbis morning, they raay be expected to arrive on tho Australia next week.

Mr. C. B. Colbarn aml Miss Colb"rn who arrive<l by the Ala meda this morniiig are coasins of our fellow townsmen. M. R. and J. F. Colburn. Mr. has eome to spend a few weeks on the islands.

Two stow-aw»jrs on the Alameda were arrested this morning. A native was locked np for indnlging in Cbe Fa. The bootblack frora Hotel Street was arrested for assanlt and batten* on a ehinaman.

A telephone-message informs ns that the acrobatic exercises of the fair aex former!y practised in Emma Lane, and consisting mainly in fence-climbing are now en vo&tu on Judd Street. We reserve forther particnlars.