Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

S«$nu5$ £ari* H. F. BERTELMAKN, CONTRACTOR AND BCILDKR, 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. HABKlSON BBQS COSTRACTOKS AXD BU1LDKBR. 906 Fort St., Hooololn. THOMAS L1NDBA¥. Metnnfaduring Jtwīer aiui Watehmakmr, Melaemj Block, 405 Fod 8t., Hanohh. MERCHANT’S EXOHANG£, 8. I. SHAW, PmnoK, CHOICE LIQUORS and FIHE BEER, Comer of King and Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 433, Honololn, G.W.IACFABLAHElCO., I m porters & Com mission MERCHANTS, Honololu, - Hawaiian lslands Glub £tables Co., S. F. UKAHAM, Manager. jLivery, Ke©d and Sale Stables, Fort Str*J6t, bet";een Hotel and Beretunia. Both Tekphone« Xo. 477 COnnBcted With 0tand, Corner Kiug A Bethel Sts. Both Te!ephones No. 113. H. MAY & CD., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roastcrs & Provision Merchairts 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu Families, Plautations aml Ships supplied with choicesl Eu ropea n A merican Groceries California Produce by EvenSteamer. Chas. T. (Mek NOTARY public For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marri*ge Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw'n īslands of Pm ik Scorr'« Freigbt and Parcels Express. Agent for ibe Borlicgton Koute. Eeal Estste Mer aii &sienl Aiat. Bell Tel. 348; Mnt Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 M£BCHANT S4reet. Honolulu, H. I. CHOCK LOOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Jfc». »1 Kbw IM, ALL SU1TS GUARASTEED TO FIT, and MADE in tkt BEST STYLE. CLOTHES CL£AN£D axd R£PAIB£D.