Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHAS. GIRDL£R, Importer aud Cozmxiisslon Nfeivh:int. SPECIA1 TEES 3. k P. Co*t> UiHum Pumii , Job*« Bp . fc§ Mfc.-h.io» T&rctt>) Birfoax s Iuo«n Thiv*<J Pm«' So*p P. O. ft*i 33S. Mnta*l T»lej.huo 3S« 13 K«Utaat«sa Stiw« OHEAP FUEL FVesh A.lgerol>a Firewoo<I i $9.00 per Cord Delivered. JN0 F. COLBURN A C0 »25 lra

W. s. LUCE S 5 Wioe iinil Spirif Mant Campbell Fire~jm)of Woek. MERCHAXT ST.. HONOLULU

LEWIS & Co., Wholesale and Retait 6rocers AKD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESfl CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE TfI 7 8an Fnnci«co S:eamer Salt S.ujfox im Babrels A Speculty. iii Fort St., Honoluhi. TeL 240 P. O. Box 2yj. NAīiONAL IR0N W0RKS, Queen Street, Betwoen Alake» k Eiohani St». THE UXpER8IG\ED ar« pnpnml 10 ■ uike nll kiods oi Ii*n Bras«, Bronzc, Zxnc, Tin nnd Lend C*»tings. Alno • Oenmml Repatr 8hop forFn Rioe MUk. Corn Milk, W»{«t Wheek. Wind MiUa, rtc. Pm*»pplc Lmth k otbcr Fibron« PUnto, And Paper 8toek. for Eitneticg 8Uicfa fioa U» Muuoe, Anu» Soot, rtc. }BT AU Orden u». WHITE, RITMAN « CO.

Long Branch BATHING Establi8hment. Thi* First-cl«m Bathing Kcsort h*s been enUrged &nd i* now open to Uio poblic. It is the best plaee on ihe i<IancL> to enjor a bath and there is no bette'r plaee to lar off 8pecial aeeommodations for Ladiee. Tnmcars pass the door eroTr half honr and °n Satnrdara and ’Sundars ererv fifteen minniea. JAMES SHERWOOD, Propri«tor.