Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3tt5utance Hotto. MAEINE INSTnUHCE. Th> Ujh>0810k»d is auihomeil to take Marmtf Kinka -osHulls, Cargoes. anei Commissions, Current Rate« in the following Oompaniea, viz: AUianee Assurance Fire <f Marine, - Lonāon WiLhehma of Mgd£ehur$ Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insuronce Co., - - San Frnncisco .1. S. WALKEH, Ageut for Hawaiian IslandB TittEPHONES Ee» 351. Malaal 417. Rk8Idence : Mutiml 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor d Builder Estimatos Oiven on iVll Idnds OF MH, lliO'i, ST0NE 4 KM BIĪILD!NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEP8 FOR 8ALE Griek, l.ime, Cemeot, Iron Stone Pipe nn«l F tt‘<fps 01(1 A: New Ct'rrng;«t©«l In»n Vintoi Q«»rry Ti!es, assorte«l s:Ees and eolon»; C'lif«>rnia *n«l Mont« i Oranite Curhing an«l BIocks, ©t«\ *-t«*. (Comer King ?mitl OFFICE €\ YARD: ] Office Hours. 8to 12 ( ito4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishinor ♦ (o„ PUBLISH£HS OF THE U HAWAI! • • II0i,0M r: \. «1 A Jonrnnl is»ue<l I>nllj'. (8ond-y exc^»ted) in ihe Englisb langniige>. and ple<lged iu |>oliev to »app»rt th« līioim *xd Pretileoes «»f th*- IIaw*h\n Pe«»pi»5- tbr istere*ta of tb« laboring ra«*u «nd g< <«1 •ud ! >>. -1 (.». \« ruit !or the wh lē eoontrv. JOB PIII>‘ 11! Books and Job Prlvtin«'. »« ;md «t io«-l> i e - BILL HEADS, CAF. - 1 ♦ ■ m i‘U> * leti kb heab>, etc.. FtB*h«d ii> t |alandOnlere «»l»c UhI a d '<Wf. OrflCl: Tbon>«* Blnck, Einu Slie» Hooolala, ii 1