Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — MISTAKE OF DOCTORS. [ARTICLE]


New York. S«pt»mber 30.— EI«t«o new oimi of brmU|w>x w«l r«ported to tb« Heolth OfEc*r to* day frnm r»rious p«rta of Vhe c:tf. A blunder that anwunU tO *cr m« h«s b««u committed in * elinie. «nd bj it eeed b«s been •owu that msr yet be*r a die«ttrou» crop. The Iist of to daj*s rictimt is beaded bv two rouog docture. It waa their cooaing dowo with tl • diseaee in one daj, wilhin a few houra of eaeh orlher, that e*piwe<l the blunder. The Vanderbilt CUnie in Weel Fiftj-ninth *teet was tbe scent of it, On Se(»tember 4th iamea McGowan, a l«borer, wenl to ihe dispecsarj «nd as'aed to be ex<mn.ed. Sus|iiciuus blotcbes coi.r»d his nkin. Th xiert in sktn disease« sttached to the elinie b* him, and concluded th»t he had befor# him a fine eaae ot ehieken pox. He dsd not make it his huaineee tO fiud oul lhat Ihe house fn>rr whieh MeOowan eame had heen the eeene |M-nuc>tent case« of eniall[-«x, with whieh th« hea!tb t fli«n aio sirujr(?lii k y«t. He took th« man in before tfco elinie of young doct«rs and |»araded him *<« a lypica! $.»eeofchickenpox. The d..ct«ra were inlereeted. Tbej look»i! at tbe blotche* on tfce man'i ekin and fclt of them. listening io tbe experi’aexpoaitioo of tbe differenc« between Ihe »h<>tlile ' fe«Iingof em«llpcx p<»et’il»a uod< r the skin and the more euiid touch «f harmleee chicken p»'X. lt wae all vcrj in»lructive an<l «Itogclher a rare ehanoe. There were lwentj or thirty doct».rs, en>l thej all touk their turn «t Ihe fine »xhibst. Among theo» were Dre. Rich«rda «nd Nome. To d«y these two ore ljing ill of email(<ox. That what the »xhibit t'.rned *ti to be when it g>»t ioto the hand« of the heallh officers. How roany more of the young d«ctora wi I foliow th»re ie nn teliing