Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Sosiar$$ £ards 6RUGE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Pa«ne« o i i FjdtsciarT N«arv ImuaeMiL ilomp» att*QtioB lo tbe managcn>enl of Eut»t'*s, Gaaidtanshi[w, Trasts. He., etc, rtc. Oth:e*, : Cart\rriglt Iiuilding, Merchant Stzeet, Hnnoinlo. F. H. REDWARI>. (X»NTRACTOR an BU!LDER, No. 50f» King Stre«t. Honolulu. Hawaiian Islantls. MACFARLANE & C0. lJealers in U'ines aml Spirits Kaahainaua Street, Honolala. Beift Telephone 3Si. P. O. 32 W. W. WRIGHT & SON, Carriags and Wagon Unihhrs IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES. an«i S0 King Street. Honolala, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE t v}BRO.. Oboceuy, Ff.ed Stobe A Bakery, Corner of King aml Fort Sts., Honolulu. J. PHILL1P8, PBACTICAL PI.l’MHEH. GAS.FITTER C0PPERSMITH. Honse and Shij> Job Work Promptly Executeil, No. 71 King Stroet. Honolnlm GDNSAL¥ES & Imj»orter8 A Dealers iu Grocerles, Wlnea, Splrits, &c. St., Houolulu. !Kmpire 8aloon, <IA\IES OLDS, Pkopkieiok. Fine lVine& Eee^, ALWAY8 ON HANP, Corner Nanann anei Hotel Streets LEWI8 J. LEVET, Ht*ul Est;ite ;md Oenenil Auctioneer. Coruer Fort and Qaecn Sln-t>ts. Honoinin Porsonal attenti m g;ren to Sales of Furnitare, Roh1 Estate, Stock aml General Merebanciise. Mutaal Tclephone 238. IVU Tclephonc 381. Pc»t Offioe Bo* 32. W.W. WR1GHTAS0N <> II r ili 11(1 1n All Its Branches. Hor8eshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 79 ud 80 Kiog St., Honolalo.