Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£»mrral :Xdrrrti$rmrats 2 - I .., ,--.- r M- . ■ nz i M. LOSE, !Xotarv F*ublic. Collector atui General Bueiness Ajent. Matna! Telep -k*m S. P. O. B,>x XSS. «tn<e:, HoiKUain. Theo. p. Sevo»5. A. W. Bolstkh. ALOHA :••: GALLERY 513 Fobt Strect. H<xvoixrr. (U ptfainj Portraits & Landscapes Finest Colkction ot Hawaiun Viev«. P. O. Box 4W. Elias Kaululaau Wright rr DEXTIST.^ Comcr of au<t Bethpi Sts., t”|jstjūrs, £ntrnnce on King S?rwt. Officf. Horus—Frona 9 a.m. to 12 ro., 1 to 4 p.iu. Sumlays excepted. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! B A. I< K H Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HORN, Pbopbietob. PRACTICAL Confediorier »S Onnimfer lo »11 br»nrbe« o( tbe bniūiM'«s oo tbese island.s. AMEB1CAN. FRENCH. ENGLISH and GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day o -* CAKES Maile of the very best material, nnsnrpassetl in richnesa of qaality ami ornaraenteil in nnapproachable style. at lower prices than any other estabhsbiuent in Honolnln. Famiiy \ Fancij Bpead, Gnava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds anei Taroarind Syrnp. ALL C0NFECT10NERY Mannfactared at rav Establishment : ire Gnarante«d ti be Po»srrrvtLt Pl bf. and sold at prices no other establisbment ean eompeie with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotkl Stm£t, j Betveen NauannaadFort StreeU BOTH TELEPHOSES So. 74.