Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 October 1893 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Bishop "\Villis left by the Kiuan yesterday for Maai. The captaia *u»l officers of the U. S. F. S. Philailelphia hohl a leoepiioo on boan.l at 3 o’eloek this afteruoon. It is niee to see an official uuthe poliee departmeut enter the , pining roora of a hotel armed to bis teeth,aud with all his warpaint on. What with Cauada aud tbe re»toration ‘‘bag-a-boo, it is a i groat wonder tbe Advertiser man ' doesn’t have a fit; but theu, he eonao’ea himself by hanging . arouud their ‘ bier.” ) Pablo raight have kuown beJ (orehaud, that he need not . have expected any satisfaction from the barracks when he telepboned the other night. Those ( in charge, are not there for that , pur}K>st*. r Oh rav! to atford tho Advertiser mau an opportnnity to get . a little rest; P. (f. soldiers are , now det*iled to scout tho valleys t for that restoration “bag-a-boo.” It appeaT8 thoagh, that they also scout for drinks. It would have sorved them right, if tbey had been shot the other uight. I i Dr. Henri McGrow who left i hero sometimes ago for the ' benefit of his boalth has been heanl from. It is to bo regret- ; ted that the popular young phyl sician has not recovered from hi» il!ness. Ho has seut hia ’ resignation as physician to the * government dispeus»ry to the r Board of Health aud Dr. Howanl l has been appointed io his plaee. The Scottish Tbistle Clnb had hope«l ihat the fam»ns anthor Mi. Robt. L. Stevenson wonld ' have been able t« address tbe * Clnb. A eommittee consisting of Editor Logan and Messrs. Garrie nnd Coekbnrn waited yeeterday afternoon on Mr. 9 8tevenson at Holel Sans Souci with the reqoe»t of the Clnb. r. Mr. Stevenson whoee heahh ha» r been far from good while here waa * obliged to decline to the great l * regiet of the Thistle Clab and the comaannity in general.