Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£n*urancr llotirrs. MAHINE INSURANCE. The Uxr*ERM‘iSH» is autli<'Hzed u> lake Marine Risks on HulLs, Cai*iroes % I»Veie;htj3 and Commissions, •t Curreut Hates in the following Comj»anies, viz: JHia nee.ranee Fire <V*. Marine, - London H'Uhelnui oj\M(fd$ehur£ Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insuronce Co., - - San Francisco Trlephonks : lU-ll 861 MntoaI 417. .1. S. WALKEK, Agent tor Hawaiian Tslands Residexce : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor ‘d Builder K«timates C»iven on All Kinds OF m. iisi\.«t \\m\ iuii.ihm:s All Kinds of in the Building Trade, Attcnded to. KI:j:PS F()R SALE: Briok. l.ime. Ce»nent. Iron Stone Pipe «nd Fittings, Old ,v New Gorragatea lrou. Minton Tiles, Qu«rn - Ti es, nssoit<d sir.es and eolon»; C«lifotnia and Monterey Saml. (trauite Cuil>īug and Rlocks, ete.. etc. C Comcr King Smith Sts. OFFICE YARD: Oihee Hours, 8 to la M., ( i lo 4 P M. Holomua •> Pubiishing ♦ Co., Pl’BLISHF.RS OF THE * HAWAIl * • H0L0MUA,” -V JournaI issued Daily< <Suiui y evcepted> 8ti tUe K.i eli-’i lnng«age. aud pletlge<i in policv to »opport t»e Ku»hts »m> Pi:Evn »ōv> of the Hawaiian Peopui. uie •tere<ts of tuc laiH>r»ng uien. and good au»l honest C»overuj»»nt for the wh le countrv. JOH PUI.\TEHS 4)1 Boois anU Job PnnmNO neaUy execuU*l at »hort noike and at moderate 6gares. BHJ. HEAIXS. CARDS. LEnfiR MEAI>S. POSTERS. etc.. Fini&h«din First-CUss *4yle. lsland Orders aolieih*! aod proo»ptly attended tc Afyu’i: Thoaias Block. K.ing Streol. Honolaln. H. 1.