Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Another coi»cert lhis oven»Uji. The N-wal Ooo|t, :? »til! :n sion. N >»■ ' Will y<>a ho»« ' 1 Weloome to Honololo. Mr. Cousnl-C«enerai MilU— Tho sietmer Oeeanio this ahomoon for Jaj»anami China. If a steamor shooltl l>e in poit this evoning, the ban«l will |'1*7 at the Holel. W«* un<iersian«l that, that tl« raan- f waryarn, w.isa**gny"onth» A*lvert»ser rep«rtcr. lt is a lake. Tho y»oht Tolnm, with theConnt anH Co»iil* S' «le To!na F- stcli<» on bo.ird, i« on the way t«> thi? port frora San Franci?co. Al>oot 4.0tX) j>ersons listcned t» the music by the Huwaiian National f>an«l last evonitig. Tbo concert was corapliraent;iry to Mr. H. Gillig, who takes bis <lepartnre by the steamer Oeeanie for Jaj>an. to-daV. We nnderstand that Mr. K S. Gjerdrum fomierl\' manager ol M'aimanalo Plantation and a brothor-in law of Mr. Bolto haa been aj»j>ointod m;»nsger of Han* Plant.-»tiou in the plaee of Mr. David Centcr. ”Tho R. M. S. Monowai is dae to sail for San F'rancisco toraorrow. Tlie following j>erson» are booked to le«ve by the vosseL J. Weir Robertson. S. J. Maguir«. Miss Magnire, Mrs. O. S. Rabeoek. Mrs. Dr. 4V«xk1 aml chil«T Mrs. B. E. Cahoon. * 0!«T‘ Berger playe«l good music in Tbomas S»juare l,ud night. It w«s aj>j>reciated by the amlieuee. The Hibi»cu» sm ile«l, the graas n«>dded appr»*vaJ, and the pine-troe« l>en<l togethar and whispered their thank.s. Tbu OIean«lers lookml for tho girk who uever eamo and the grav«i wondered why it wasn't stamj>«£ down by the ra«nly feet. Tb* ehineao dogs eneonnl aml howlea for more —an«l the ‘*old maa went home. And the Minah» woke op and said: Not in iNot io it: Go to tbe Hotel! Go to the Hotei: