Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 October 1893 — DHARMAPALA. [ARTICLE]


Tbe emineut Tbeosophist Dbarmapalu passe>l tbrougb hero as a passengor on tbe Oeeanie. He bas been in Chicago representing tbe Baddbists and Tbeosophists at tbe congress of religious held tbere. It is of interest to note tbat tfce Christian Keligion bad to take a distiuct backseat while tbe Theo8ophists carried the day at the debating meeting in Chicago. Mr. Dbarmapala intends to return to tbe United States und tbere endeavor to forra a new scbool of Keligion or ratber to ad\ance the tbeories of tbe Tbe>)Sopliists. Mr. Dbarmapala, barring tbe crankedness of bis ideas uppears to be a very intelligeut and highly educated mau.