Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 October 1893 — PEHEA KELA MR. "PRESIDENT" DOLE? [ARTICLE]


Brazil lias been a sore trial daring tbe past four years to tbose entbasiastic souls wbo tbongbl tbat, all tbat was needed to ninke u coontry, a repnblic was to eall it so. Tbere was great rejoiciug in the country in 1889 wben a militar}' intriguer bundled tbe Emperor out of Brazil and set bunself up as an antoorat under tbe name of a President. We bad to listen too mncb efi*asive talk abont tbe disappearance of the last reranant of tyranny from the sacred soil of America and the reception of Bruzil into tbo “sisterbood of freedora.” Bnt it was not long before tbe trnth appeared, thut tbe Bi*rtz!liuns had siraply e-cbangeil a cultnred and mildraaunered and progressive Emj»eror for a rongh nnd Iawless soldier; aml when be in turn fell before new intrigues. it was witb sorae d-fficulty tbat the fMeuns iu j-vraise of Bruziliun repnblicanisra were again lifted. Now that the time has eome around for a new “President" to be elected bv tbe guns in the barbor of Rio de .lanem», tbe i!lasioo has prettv mneh vanished, and we hear little about the blesstng of a military oligarcbv. masqnerading as a rej»nbltc. It woula be haru for nnvone to point out what Braril has guine«l by the fall of Dom P«lro exeej>t an enormons increa.se iu j>nblic expeuditnres. j a con-’.ition of sjK)radic anarchy | | and great hu r m to the real repul>lieau movement There was snch ! a movement in Brazil, directed bv intelligent and law-abiding men, «nd it doablles8 wonhl in > time. ha\e brooght ahoat a reI nnblic by peaeeahle raeans The ; £mperor himself freely iecogniz- < ed tbis and usevl to say tbat when • the c.-natry was rij»e for a repub- > lie. be wouhl not stand in the 1 way of it. Bnt ia an evil day. ! agitatk»n was iakeu op by a set ‘of milititvy adveotarers who bave made repabitcan institutioos syoonvmotts with force and i trickery. and so hare pnt back the real j»rogress of the- conntrv | in tbe ide* ami pn»ctice of se)i- . co\ernment The e\perience h«s < ueen a calamītoas one for Brazīl. I : bnt it w'H notbe entire)y frailiess if it Ieads men to learn onee more. the o)d lesson that liberty and se)f goreiniBent »re not to be fooml io names and form& i — I%e Sation.