Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 October 1893 — Band Concert at Makee Island. [ARTICLE]

Band Concert at Makee Island.

*The 1* G. band will render the fo]!owing i>rof ramme at that plaee lhi« evening: P.UtT I. 1 M*rch—“Seren Sa«w»a»'... .Milk>cker 2 OTert<tre—“Poet ami P«vant” (by rwja«st) 8nppe 3 Cornet Polke—“PUee Bngler _ .. .(by r*qne»t)... WekMei»tii 4 Seiection—“Bobetcian (»»■!" (by ieqaMt) IWUe PAKT n. 5 —“Ame. aui Beyer 6 &»)'.%»!—“Scotch Laaaie Jess'’... 5t >art 7 WeH*—"Nee Me’o.iw.' ,(br irqaes:j ! I S Ma«:b—“Oigh Sehoo{ C»le.«' by reqaes»! &>M* i Poooi '’ _ The Sopreiiie C>urt in btt-e> | bare otr*-rru ed tae e*opiions īo i the C'»v cf tne P. G. t* Cnr. G rt» | ; >0(1 tho old BliR »■!« «f» tU> Jeil 1l»> 8 rv« oul h‘» Ber.tonce. Mr» Gerti w»8 [.ret»ent in ihe (.'•>«• rt su«l [ geve »K»e >’f the Ju«igrs » pieee of her (ntnd t<> the gre>t amueemnU | uf thr by »Und'-n» »‘ v I Th<* »« •*>' arc«l .Att>*rn**r Ger.e- i r»l a»i<l the lji xej<d M»r»bal | rt li‘«ted >h» Ou Uiu »nd ; f »nr p»>hce nen tt» w;th ipaenih I* «nelinn» 1« w«tch J •*cno5pir»l<-ni r 'in K)piol a> P»r<, ; »nd **d»»U i«»** yrf>*>«u"Car i r»'gx I>ght» »re bl*»«o owl. 3m»rt f«-U.iW th»t Httcbe»«ki L<“k out ■ girl«!! '