Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

4 VAST PROJECT COSSTAST LilE 0F SCH0CS£R3 - Aioli OjfartiSitT ftr ALL Owing lo oar oou>taat!v iucreasing bMire« an.i tl»c great «ienmmi of an «ppreciating commanitv. we havo eooelmlml to ortcr »n opportanitT to *il partie* !.«vlng eapil*! Our LINE of SC'HOOSEKS roay b« seen gl>«iu>g over the BAR filled to their ntmost c*fr> iug c»pacity with clear eool ind invigorsting Fre d«.ckrt., i LA( j EIl Bm At the “Anchor Saloon.” To «cconiraodate our Vitst F!eet of Schoonerjt. we have built a fine large Refrigerator reganiies.'. «i cost. Xiie “*£Ln.clZLOX'r Is the onlv piaee whore a Cool Glass of Freiiericksl»urg Beer on «lraucht ean be ha«l in Honolulu. Step forwar.i gentlomen, NOW S the Tinio. ce!4 3m

Reward. A Postal S-'\vine’s Bank Book No. 46ō has l»een lost at roy residenoe during this month. whoj ever fiuds it and returus saroe at mv residence at Hpeia. Koolaupoko, Oahn. or at the law oflice oi Jas. K. Kanlia, iu Honoluln, ( wiil reoeive a reward. Mks Mikala K.u lia. Honoluln, Oct. 23, 1893. oct23 Im >sotice. Whereas, Jos. Paakaula h»vinpj resigned as Agent for me. there I fore, noiioe is hereby given to all t persons holding leases of all of ■ my lands. to make payments of rent to me personallv at tbe' times agreed upon at Kaalaa. Honolulu. POOMAIKELANI. Kaalaa, Honolulu, Oct. 16. 1893. ocl7 Iw — WANTED i By a yonng intelligent Gerroau a situation, uot afraid of hurd: work, low wages Applv at the Olhee. Oct. 20 lw SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. Filst-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and lsiand Guests. Supērior Bathimg Facilitiēs. Privaie Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON, cct9 Manager. FAT BOY.'’ I P. McIXEBXT. FaorrtrroK. I Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cnv>a Bmui *>c Boru. 8n. Tm». P. Sran. A. W. Eourza. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, I ♦67 Nrr*xr Srarrr. Hoxot,rt.r, iOpp». Q<Mei> H»2v. Views of* the Island C<nMaB;!j oa HukL. «srh u X»CTr* Pot, Gism H<n«« Halahala Du«n, Ooeoaaai Qtorm S»»rt Vim aad Hawauaa St;ie Ridhts Pb1b aad Date Gntr«a