Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS k Co. Whole$aie and Rctail Groccr* iSD [PROVISJON DEALERa. FR£SH OAUPOLNIA SAUON ON 1« Bt Er»rr S*a FtaB(iMD $touMf. Sa.lt Sal*ox ix Barrels a Specialtt. /// F$rt St. , T<1. jjo. P. O Bt?x W. S. LUCE m hh m S S S AVine niul Spirit Merchant Camjthell Firt-proof Btock, MERCHANT ST , HONOLULU H. MAY & Tea Dealers. Coffee Rcaster8 & Proviaion Merchanta 9S Fort Street. - īīouoiaiu Families, Plautations aml Shi{ » supplied with oboicest Eunpean <t* A merican (rroctvie$ Cali£ornia Pro<laco by Ever> Steamer. Long Branch BATH I N G Establishment. This Firs(-class B«tinng Resort has becn eularged aml is now open to the pub!ic. lt is the l>est plaeo on tho isiamls to enjoy a bath aml ther« is no l>ettor plaee to lay otT. Speci»l aeeomnuHlations for Li«1i«*s. Tramc»r* pase the iloor ever>* balf bocr aml on Satur\lavs aml Snmlays everv fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Queex Street, Between Alakea k Hiehanl Sls. THE UXr>ERSIfiXEl> irr pnftral !q nuike nll km«is ot Ir»n BnM. Hr»cn*. Z:nc. Ttn *nd l*-ti C**ting«>. AJ*o • Rrt*ur Shop for 8b*a Enj.nn«, R»oe MilK Corn M.IU, W*ter WleeU. Wind MIO*. rk-. MaeLine» for th* OenninK of Co8re. Ihl*. Bc*s*. IUai«, 9iwi, Pinanpple Leeeee k otber Eihw». PUnt*. And P*per 8lock Al«o Mnekinee for EstraetiBE S*arcL tLe Euioe. Ajtow Boo«. «I*. AU Orden pmmplN *ttended to. WH1TE. R1TMAN « CO. WING WO i C0.. Manofacturers an«i Dea2ent tn Lmiiea', Gents‘ k ChiJdren's Boot$,^ijDe^(|aitep$ No. 35, |W| Hunolala Naaana Streetf O. Box 198 Boota and Sboes made to order in Best 8t\le. at WhoIes*le and lletail Piieee.