Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — The Admiral. [ARTICLE]

The Admiral.

Tlie town has been with ramors aml reports in regard to tho unoxpected recall of Admiral 8kerrett. Whilo we do not desire to indnlpe in guesw-work, wo lūink thnt we witbont breach of confidence e.m state tbat tbo American Admiial has been reealled, 8imply, beoause he adopted the poaition of a partisan and becnme —in the eyes of the naval department—a jingo-annexation-iat. To firo a salote when Mr. Provisional president Dole goes to Hawaii —to eommaiul Ameriean officers to attend a polilieal ball. and in his a»>ociations and bis corr«»pondence to tbo home department to advocate aonexa> tion —a mea8ure obnoxious to the administration are snfficient offenses tc» nece«sitate the recall of any man connected with the official departmenta of the Americj»n Government. Admiral Skerrett has pcr*onally noade many friends here turough his modeat and unassuming manoen. A» a poliiieian he has nut been a 8nceess.