Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

6(trral 3Lirrrtismr*ts H. F. BERTELMAXN. CONTRACTOB AXD Bt'lLDER. 86 King St. Bell Telephon® 107. CHAS. MOLTESO. -ty TONSOBIAL ABTE9T, Mo. 511 King Str©et, Honolola, H. I. Oive me a trUL H. LOSE, Notary I?ublic. CoUector aud General Business Agent . Mitul Ti>!#phow 8. P. O. Box ii<rreiiiint strMt, Honolaln. T»«EO. P. SfVEK|v. A. W. BoLSTtR. ALOHA GALLERY ?13 pr>HT Stke»t. Ho>Ol.rLf. (Up-staira.) Portraits & Landscapes Finest Collevtion o( Views. P. O. Box 498. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IBAKERY amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HOHN, Pbopp.ietor.| PRACfICAL Wectiooer & Omamenter In of the bnsinese on thcse islands. AMEKIOAN, FRENCH. ENGLISH a>d GERMAN PASTRIES MADE TO ORDEK. Wedding aml Birth-dav o * i CAK.ES Made of the very best material, ansarpassed in richness of qoality and ornamente<l in anapproachable style. at lower prices than any other cstabhshment in HonolnhL Family \ Fancy Bread, Goava Jelly, Preeerred Tamarinds and Tamahnd Syrnp. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Mannfactnred at my Establishment are Gnaranteed to be Pwnmi Puee and sold at pheea no i other establishment ean oompeie with. FACTORY k STORE, No. 71 Hotkl Stuect. Between Nooann and Fort 8treets B0TII TELKPHO>T5 So. 74.