Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — The Only Band. [ARTICLE]

The Only Band.

The Hawniian Baml will give another of its excellent Tn«i ap preciative mnsieales at the Hawaiinn Hotel. on the evening of tbe arrival of the steamer M mposa from San Fraucisco. Tlic following isthe prograrame whieh will he rendered on that oeeaaion: 1 Harrh —' (too*l Hop*'‘ Ctauder 2 OTrrtnre—l’a«ba~ (bv n* Stahl 3 Walto—"Proiimu'l>" (»nugl 4 Medley—B k*" (n«?wl... Brooka Songa. 5 Sel»vtk>n—“Flantation Songa” (n*w) .Conl*n» « Mazurka —■•PoleineU*’’ (ww» Kao»t T Idyll "Uilk ht th* Edcab.rg H MĪrcb—“B**u I WT . Souaa “Hawaii Poooi "