Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


(VV«J0wxImU o«n»lw» r*po«JikU «y «ipawH «r tbc «Uma«» «4 «•» v.vrr»*fvc<i<ct» : I» Nawaii l Mrr tW Pr*!rrtUa *t tfe* l ait«4 !<Ut» t*4aj<’ EittoR HoUOIiA:—Allow m« a sjv«tv in y* ar T»Io«blo p*per. The qa«ation hea«lm»i th«s vritiog is. I thmk. of import*nco to Hiiwaii’» jm?sent polilienl ®*taatiou. lf tho »u>wer to tl o »1»to qnt>stion l»o in tho negT»tiro, then I woaM <*y. th»t nny mil:* Urv sbow from an Aiut*rioan ress**l orvess«*is in port. wilhoni »ny ilirect offici«l lic»*iise or jv«»nnission fn>m tho Pr«>visi«»nal (»oternment, the only Uorerūraeut knowu in existonee in Hawaii, i» nothing else hut »n *ct of trespass; Lut if the *nswer to tho qaestion shonhl l*e in the »dirm»tive, th«»n all Americau miliUry show nn«i panuling throngh the Streets of Honoiulo. wili bold water. »n«l the P. (». with its de f>uio sn}>remju*v >souiy of secondarv cousi«leration. I botd the second answ«*r. Ithasever l>een impressed in mv mind. that ever since the day th«t the Amenean FIag h*d its glorions ascendency on Aliiolani H.ile, b«cked bv Minister Stevens dcdaration for American Pn>tection over the Huwaiian Islands, an«l that Steven's “American Protection” haa n«>t been annullol by any possitive «nd clear declaration from «n Anthority higher than Stevens, notwithstmding the “hauling down” of the Americaa F1 tg, th«t Hawaii is still nnder the Americ«n Protectiou, «n«l thereby gives «11 right to the Cnite«.l States nav«l forces t<» m«ueuvre such military shows as they «lesire, in the streets of Honolaln, with«>at first begging for pormis«ion from the P. G. Kanvka Hawaii.