Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(T»rarral -Adrfrtisrrafnts H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTEACTOR AND BriLDER. 86 King St., Bell l’elephone 107. CHAS. MOLIENO, TOKSORIAL ABTIST, No. 511 King Street, Honolulo, H. I. Give me a trial. LT. LOSE, 3?ublic. CoUector and Gcneral Business Agent. Maenal Telephone 8. P. O. Box .838. Merchant street, Honolulu. MERCHANT S EXCHANGE. S. I. SHA\V, Propr(ctor, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE DEER. Corner of King and Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu, G.W.MAOFAELASEiCO., 1 mporters & Com mission MERCHANTS, Honolulu. - Hawaiian Islaiuls THOMAS LINDSAT. Mawnfaduring\ Jev«ler and Watchmaker, Melnenw Block, 405 Fort St., Honoluln. Chas. T. (hliek NOTARY public For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honoluln, Oahn. Agent for tlie Haw’n Islands of Pitt «V Stott’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Ronte. Real Estate BMer and Geiieral Agent. Bell Tel. 348; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honoluln. H. I. CH0CK LOOK, M!erchant Tailor No. 321 Nuuanu Street, ALL SV1TS GUARASTEED T0 F1T, and MADE tn ihe BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED axd REPATRF.D WiNG WO & C0.. Mannfactnrers and Dealers in Ladies’, Gents’ A Children's No. 35, ein Honoluin. Nnuann Skreet»plP. O. Box 198 Boots and Shoes nu«de to order in Best Style. »t Wbolesaie and Retail Prices.