Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 42, 6 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICE. The unJersigneJ ha.sreoeiveJ from the E.Hsten» 8t *tes. The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported īo the IsIaQtls. Itoono!oiles as follows: - i*CIoth. 3 grailes; k ■*' ; «Cues, »assorted; ws, v - Cnshions, £l»y Blook, pī’lenl]: ___ Billīarcl Balls, Comi>os»!tion an*l Ivoiv: Pool, ** •* “ Tips. Ohalk; Pocket C*stings with leathers, auJ fringe coraplete; 'H; Pooket nettings, fringe anJ leat!»ers; >, ° Rubber covers; Court Plaster. green anJ black: New stvle ohalk hoIJers; - * Triangles; N/ '' 4 8hake balls auJ leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, eto., eto. The above go Js have been purohaseJ at reJueeJ rates, aml the undersigned is now prepareJ to Jo am anJ ali kinJs of B!LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates wīth dispatch. Also new anJ seoc;. ! haud BilliarJ anJ Pool Tables for Sale. Pleaseapply to J. P. BOWEN. Peny Block, Hotel St. Honolnlu AWAm PROJECT CQNSTAHT LiHE 0F SCH00NĒES-— Ample Opporiumty for ALL! Owing to onr constantly increasing bnsiness aml the great JemanJ of an appreciating community, we have eoncluJeJ to otler an opportnuity to a11 parties*having eapiīai. Our LINE of SCH(X)NERS raay be seen gliiliug ovei* the BAR filled to their ntraost carning capacitv with eleai eool anJ invigorating Fre< Expori bllrs j LASER BEER At the “Anchor Saloon.” To accommodate onr ast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a fine Iarge Refrigerator regardless of cost. Tlie “^lnelioi,” Is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of FreJericksl>urg Beer on draught ean be bad iu Honolulu. Step forward gentlemen, NOW’S the Time. ,ocl4 3m

vantageoos as if they were Ameriean. Since the McKinley law went into effect taking the dnty off sngar and gaving a bounty to American sngar, it has placed Hawaii at a dīsadvantage and her p!antations have grown into weeds, her trade and commeree has languished and her people are indistress. The money power bas taken advantage of tbis period of stangnation to diseminate discord and to blame tbe goverument for mismauagement. At tbe time Kalakana died be was on his way to Wasbington to try and effect a reciprocal commercial treaty whieh woukl have been of great importance and value not only to Hawaii but to our Pacific cost as well. Our government should try to restore peaee ami establisb a reciprocity treaty whieh would adjnst the difficulties and solve tbe whole problem, leaving no stain on our fair escntceon. “Pete Sells.’’ GHAS. CIR0LER, Importer and Ck>mmission Merchant. SPECIALTIES: J. t P. Co«te’ Maehioe Thread Jobm Brooks' Maehine Thread B*iboah Linen Thread Pea»'Soep P. O. Box 358. Mitsil Teirpkone 356 13 Kaaha&ami 8creet.

MORTGAGEE’S NOTK E OE FORECLOSURE. In accordanr«* witn the pro%'isj'>i • «>l acertain Morlgage, ma«Ie by Kau.e*. honna of Welok», Hilo, Hawai 1 fo Ah Hing ctated Jnlv 7th, 1890. recorde«l t» Liber I:#. page 157; notice is L« rcl>» given that the Mortgag«. iniends tm foreclo»e tbe i-ame :or eonelUiun» broken towit:thenon payment o{ l’m.'ipn; and Interest when due. N; tic« is likewiae given lhat after tf»eexpirat;onof tbree week» fmm Ihe <IaCe of thie notice the propertv conreye«J by sa'd Mortgage will be a«Iverti8p«l for sale at Poh'ie Aaelion at the an<*tio*i roome of J F Morgan. ixs Hunolnln. nn Monday the 20th dav of Novemb«.', at 12 noon, of said day. Fnrther partin}lars ean he had o1 Wil la n C Aehi, Attomeyat Ijiw. Dated Honolnla. October 25th, AH H IN(j, Mortg<ye. The premi«!e8, c«jvered by sai<! gage, eonai»; of; 12 acree sitaated at IFe'.>ka, Hih». Hawaii. a.id deecr bed in K»»a. PaVat nun.ber 1032 in the na«e ••£ piialii. oct. 28-3w FAT BOY. n BAY HŪRSE53 8AL00N I P. M« INEKN7, Frofribtor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. / Cor-vbr Bsthr; *»p Hor«i H**. W. S. LUCE * y "Wlne and Spirit Merchant CampUU Firt-proof MERCHANT ST HOKOLUl.H