Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Long' Brancli BATH ING Establishment. Tbis First-class Batbing Rosort has been eularged anJ is now oi>en k» the poblic. It is tho best plaoe ou the islaiuls to eujoy a bath aml there is no better plaee to iay otf Special aoeommotlatious for La»lies. rraincars pass the door eveiy balt hoi raml on Satarxl «vs aml Sundays every fifteen minntes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. MOKTGA(;EE'S X()TICE 0F FOR ESLOSU RE. In iwoonlanee with tlie proTi<iors o£ a certain moitn;r. ma<le by 0 ALAPAI to Isa; l>ella A Aehi. *laml Oct->ber ">, I'!*... n eonie.1 in Liher U.’>. pap' i4S ; notn e w hereby given that the M.>rtgagv« intvi>.ls to foreclos»; the sauie £or oomliti»n> brokec, t-> wit: non-payment of pnueipal. Notice is lik. wi>e āven that oft« r tho c\piration of three weoks fn>m the >lato i>f this noliee, the proporty conveyed by said mortgH»e will be a>lvertiseil for sa!e at pnblieaneūon. at Ihe «nelion ro»ms of las. F Morgan, in Honolnln, on MONDAY. the •J)th day of November, 1S9A. at 12 uoon of sai>i day. Knrther pa>.-ticolars ean be hnd of Wn». C Aehi, Attoniey at Law. I >atod Henolulu. Oetober i’>, 1 H!i» 1SSABKL1 A A ACHI, Mortgagee. The premises covere»l hy said mortgnge, eonsist of: A11 those premises sitnated at Kapalama, Hoholula, Oahn. and niore particnlar describeil in a partition deed netwe«*n W C Aohi and said C’ Alapai, reconletl in I.iber I2.’> pa»e I; contaiuing an area of I->0 of au acre; and being a part of tbose prennses kuown as Apana l desrribed in Royal Patent, numl>er (iS7. granted to Keliipneikina. oct. 2S-3w SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. £1 -«5 Fiist-Class Accommo(lation for Tounsts aml lsland Ciuests. SUPERI0R BATH!NG FACIUTIēS. Private Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. S1MPS0N, oct9 Manager. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Office Honrs: 3 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to ō P.M. Offlce Tel. &82-MrrrAL-R»-siilence Tel. 287. L. H. DEE, ’ Jobber of \\ines, Spirits anil Beers HOTEL ST., Between Fort aml Betbel Streets. NAĪIONAL IR0N W0RKS, Qi ekn Street, Between Alakea «k Ricbard Sts. THE UM>F,RSI(»KEL> «re prepaml to make rU kin«is of Iren I3rass. Bronzc. Ziac, Tin an«i Lead CastingB. Also a General Repair Soop for Steam Eoginea, Kiee MiH*. Com MilU, W*t«r WheeU, Wind Mills, etc. Maehine* for th« Cleanir » of C>.*ff<ee, Ca*tor OU*, Bmum, Hamie, Smi, Pineapple Lenre* k olb«T Fifcrons Planla, And Paper Stoek Al?» Maehine» for Extncting St*.rch from tbe Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. AU Order» promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.