Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — The New Pacific Steam Service. [ARTICLE]

The New Pacific Steam Service.

Mr. Janies Hoddart of M«'lborne has cbarteretl the Sbaw, Savill, and Alhion Company s Steamer Alawa, to t ke the plaee oftheMiowera, oueof thesteamers of his new Pacific service between Anstralia and Vanconver, whieh went agronnd iu Honolnlu Ilarbonr. The Alawa will leave Sydney for Vancouver on Noveniber 18 in accordance witb the time table, succeeding tbe M'arrimoo, whieh left on tbe 18th inst. The deparbire of the Alawa is regarded as a favonrable opportnnity for sending a cargo of frozen meat to Canada with a view to testing the Canadian market for this prodoct. — (Tl>e Au*tralasian )