Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


MUD!! The P. G. Baml ai Emma Sijuarw tLi' »fiern<x>n. Hon. F. H. H.use!Jen. is in t'ie city a_’iin for a few Javs. Base b:tll this afternoon. Fn- | knowns anJ Myrt!es play a game. The band coucert at Thomas Sqnare !;.'t evening was cnt short —it is saiJ that the attenJauce was not large. One ofthe P. G. prowlers stationeJ on Miller street last night, was hearJ to make tbe remark “auother five JoIlars easilv earned.” P. (r. prowlei-s were on the streets again last nighl Their beds, if they have any, wouU be the best plaee for them, insteaJ of warmingthe streets —as street walkers. As we go to jness, a telephoue message is received stating that owing to the inclemency of the weatber. the Concert announced to take j>lace at Sans Souci this eveniug, is postpoued. It is reported to us, that on Fridav moruiug betweeu 8 anJ 3:30 o’eloek. armed men were seen going up Nunann Avenue. Evidently returniug to their homes after being all night looking for “bug-a boos.” At about eighto’c!ock last eveuiug five men carrying rifles were seen on Beretania street, between Bicbarvls aml AIakeastreets walking towarJs Alakea street. One of thefive resembled very mueh one of tho otficials of the Honolulu Firo department. Ihe lihel suit against 8tellar Smith was callej this Tbe Counsel for the Plaintifl* was reuJv to proceeJ, but, on request of the Defen Jant s lawver heariu<r •* O was postponeJ uutil next Wedaesday. A. Kosa aj»j>ears for the PIaiutifi’, and C. L. Carter for the DefenJant. An early riser auJ ono who takes an early eup of cotR?o was dowu town earlier tban usual tbis morning making his rounds. Ho noticed an unusual uumber of pei-sons about, whieh attracted his curiosity. He watcheJ awhile, and was rewarded by seeiug about two LunJreJ F. G. prowlers taking their coflee atone of the cofl’ee houses in this citv, between three anJ four o eloek At a few minutes after 12 o eloek this noon, after EJitor Smiths s econd arrest forlibel, the Chief Justice, EJitor Smith, anJ CounciImau Eminelnth were seen stauJing on the siJe-wulk near to the Station House. apparentlv in secrete conversation. Spectators were of tbe opinioo. that it was hardly the plaee for the Cbief Justice to be at that moment. Surely he was not otfering advice.