Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

5fn5urancr £lotiff5. MAEINE INSUEANOE. Thk U xdek.sk.ned is authorized to take Manne Risks on Hulls, Cariroes, Freishts and Coi nmissions, Current Rates in the following Companies, viz: AUiaiwe Assurance Fire $ Marine, - Lomlon H ‘Hkelmu of' M((dgehurg Genl. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKEH, Agent for Ilaw'aiian Islands Residence : * Mataal 410. P.O. Box 117. Telephones: Bell 351 _ Motual 417. E. B.THOMAS, 5 ' ; m , l Contractor $ Buiider ICstimate.s Oiven on .AIl lvinds OF iimi, iiiiin, an i wdēn i U1 S All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KKEIS FOR SALE: Biiek. l.ime, Cemont, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings. OM A' Now Corrugated Iron, Mintou Tiies. v,’ii;4rr\ Ti!es, assorted sizes and colors; C.difornia and Monterey Sancl. Gvanite Curbing auil Blocks, etc., etc. • ( Corner King cft Smith Sts. OFFICE cft YARD : Office Hours. 8to 12 M., t 1to4P. M. Holomua* Publishing ♦ Co., PCBLISHERS OF THE " HAWAII ♦ ♦ holomia; V ,Tournal issued I>«ilj*. (Sundnv excepleil) 1 11 the English l«ngnage. aud pledged in policv to snpport ;.,0 Ki«HTs >ND Pr.E\TLF.GKS of the H\waii.vn People, the int»'rest> of the laboring men, and goo\l and honest Goverua:eut for the wh»le conntrv. .11 >1 > PK1>TEHS l'* Phh>ks and Job Pbistino neatly execnted at short notice aml at mo»lerate figures. BILL HF \DS, CARDS, I.ETTER HEADS. POSTERS. etc.. Finished in First-Class style. L>btnd Orders solicited and promptly attended to. OrncT : Thon;as’ Block, King Street, Honolulu, H. I.