Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — W. O. Smith Writes Letters [ARTICLE]

W. O. Smith Writes Letters

Thinks Ihe l»r. <ent Hotten Sv>iteni •*Uood'* tioTemment. Cedar Kapids Iowa,Nov. 16 — To night William M aterhouse of this citv, a member of the \\ nterhouse family whieh has large 1 eommen-ial int?rests in tbc Hawaiiau Islands. received a Ietter from W. O. Smith. Attor1 nev Geueral of tne Provisional 1 Government, in whieh he said: ' “While all are waitiug and a few of the supporters of the Provisional Government aro restless there is a deep and abiding 1 sentiment against returningto the raouarchy aud a determination ■ to mainiain a good govern1 ment that will not be suppressed 1 aiul whieh will show itself in 3 armed resistance whenever oeea- ‘ sion calls for it. As time passes 1 an overwhelming portion.of tho 1 intelligeut element of the eomtnunity manifests raore and more ’ that it will not submit to a return t to the old order of things.”