Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe “rascals' will not be tarned out. • The Kxecative Oouneil wa= in Sē?sion to-<Jay. The Republ;c would not be rec<ignized. Hoka again. Tbe military were busy to-dav filling sand bags. There were services in ?everal Cimrches yesterday it be;ns Indepeinlenee Day. Indej)endence Day was celebrat*d in ir.anv private homes. There j were no puhlie demon=trations. r<> K Stak Man. \Vould it not be a g»od plan for him to keep clear cf the ollieial “headsman.” Tbe banks and piineipal business bouses will close to morrow at 10 o’eloek it being Tbanksgiving’s day. The Arawa whieh takes tbe plaee of tbe Miowera is due to morrow from Australia en route for Victoria (B. C.) Tbanksgiving services will be :ie!d at St. Andre<vs Cathedral and at ihe Central Uuion Church tomorrow forenoon. Will the Kauai Oolonel “let up” on what he knows ubout CIeve land, and tell us what he knows ab>>ut acquiring plantations. That w<ni!d be more intere»ting. It is reported, that His Kxcellency the United States Minister Pienipotentiary, addressed a eommuniealion to the Provisional Government yesterday, There are as many papers —if not more — whieh support Presi•ent CIeveland in his Hawaiian Policy. as lhere are papers against t The N. V. World. Washington Star, and Baltimore Sun, aithough ■n the Tiser’s list of those papers against, are all supporting Cleveland’s Policy. Mr. H. W. Se verance, said to an Examiner reporter that, “3īr. \\ illis presented his credeutials an hour or two after the China sailed; it may be somowhat amusmg to uote that tlie Provisional G«>yerament appointed an honr after tho departure of the Australia to receive him. ’ The Star inan calls Mr. F. W. \Viir.deiiberg “a spy, a perjurer, md a sneak,” b»cause he gave Mr. Blount some truthful statements. >. M. Damon and H. Waterhouse verify those statements J. H. S>per rath<r gives things away. and yet the S(ar n ;>.n does not eall th'm “spies. perj ;rers or sneaks.” FOOB JI3£MIE castle, he isu’t “boss after all. Ho uudertook to “fire" oue of the Custora House clerks w ithout consu!ting his “srrEKioK. ’ He was made plainly to understand “ms rosition. He wanted to arg«e the point, • he was immediatelv “shit rr.” Hon. J. A Cnmmins yesterdav entertaiued a number of the leading raembers of the Patriotic Leagues besides manv personal friends at an elegant loau at his residence at Pawaa. The hospitable entertainment was a most elegant atfair and was fully appreciated by all preseut. The Hawaiian Maiioaal Baud was in attendance.