Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 November 1893 — THE MISSES ALBU. [ARTICLE]


England s Latest Sopranos. The Mi" s Alba two gifted young Soprnnqs %vho aie t' uriug the worltl aml now waiting for the opening of the M:d Winter Fair, are eipected to leave Sau Francisco l>v the Ansfcralia. The j * celebnitcd vocali>t* will remain in Houoluln sometiine and arrangements aro being made for them to give a series of Concerts. B"th tbe Misses AIbu have t iken all the highest hoaors in England, their tirst appearance iu the Capital was at the Alexandra Palaee, when soch vocilists as Madame Patti, Albani, Jrebelli, loii, Santlev, Barrmgton Foot, Sims Reeves aiul others took part. at whieh these artists gained the goldeu opiuion of t!ie piress and musical circles. The enthusiastic recep tiou accorded tli“ young iadies was a sigual of soccess, the papers stating that such applanse hail never heen heard iu tbe buiidiug. The list of teachers will show the school the ladies have be iu, both introsted to t!ie care of Jenny Lind, Arabella Goddard, 8irJulius Benedict, Dr. Parrv, Dr. Bridge, Erust Punei, R. G mpertz, G. Garcla, Otto Goldpchmidt and other leading rausiciaus with the famous London uctress Mr. Rendall as instructress in elocution. Miss Albu holds a certificate from the Prince of M ales as President of the Royal College of music and signed by Sir George Grove as director statiug that the lady singer held an open Scholarship to all coraers for ten terras and is now tbe head of that Institute.