Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


['V« do aot bold oarselTes respcusible for th« opinioui or the of our oorrespondents. ] Editob Holomua: The part of tbe situation whieh strikes home most strongly to the American section of the P. G. Missionaiy strij»e is the fact that after all these years of representing themselres ag true tvpes of the American Nation in acts and thougbts, thev find themselves so utterly mistaken that on this the first opjx)rtanity for proof, they are utterl3 r and forever repudiated as such. Aud that is where the shoe pinches. After having for years said f vy are the o)ily Amer icans to be publicly shown up as bein<$ entirely out of it—a hybrid mongrel coraj>ouud of despotism and b ing. Amekioan'.