Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — An Impudent Night Hawk. [ARTICLE]

An Impudent Night Hawk.

Li- r S turdav evenir g at alw>i;t uine o’einek. *>:;e *■; th • present f ”m»gn'ficeul” ni^ni pmwlers. t*»*< it up*>n hitrse!f to enter ihe prem;ses *>f a resi<ient—w,:.> >ja J —!iving >>1J Xnu- I ann \venne. Whal ?h«">ws «>ut the :>nd-jcity «>f the iran, is the fact. that l’i» 1 ladv >)f the hnus.’ was ! * e»iiv-r.'-n» «»;th tw;> fr;-n.!s. a !adv j an<i a jr«*!;t!eman. at the s t>-. when j h- d liberite!y |m-s<«1 !>v th*'-tn thr >neh thog.te intnthe v..rd. He \ a'l.>Mred t>> i.r<;ceed -<everal lV-1. j b«-t<>rf being h>i!ed. The m m di<! n>>t pay any attention, and it w.is not, ur.til the eeiitt«*mati fi*l!>>wed hini that he j halted. When asked h;« b si ies< : aml what he wae d »ii g on tiie ■ |>re:ii;--<. ii>.< r**i .v \va.< ‘*Taat’s my basiness, n.*l y>nrs.” Tii e man wts i therw:se very impudent and insulting. Liter in the evening, the master of the hon<e on returning h>*me f >nn«! his wife innn exited st >te of mind at the gatewav ; ° • ! talking of the matt’r t > some fri*-nds. \\"ho after receiving :i description of the rnan, whieh ta!lied with th»t of a spy wh<» he had jcst seen standing on tlie e >rner > f Kukui aud Nuuanu streets: lie \valked down the Avcnne and met the spy walking np. The spy \vas stopped and given a good reprimanding, also f«ir warning not to be seen On those premises again. The man was evideritlv a German, and cou!d not speak English properly. Since the above was \vritten; we have heard fnrther complaints about spies entering private premises. Last evening one of them walked into the yard of agentleman iiviugon Kingstreet. went up on to the verandah of tbe honse, and peeped through the blinds of the door. T\vo of the occupants —Iadies—of the honse were sitting in the shade iu the corner of the verandah, so of course were not seen by the spv.