Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice celebrated JOHN WEILANH EXTRA PALE LAGER Also, a Fkesh Ixvoice of California Oysters FoR OYSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY and iCe pip$ F. HORN, Propueetor. PRACTICAL Cuiitectioi!ei' i Onwiiinik lu all bninches of the hnsiue»s on these islantls. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLLSH vnd OEEMAN PASTRIES MADE TO ORDER. anv other e.stablisbment in Honolulu. Famiiy Brsad, Gn iva Jelh*. Preservcd T 'inann s and Tnmannd Svrup. ALLCO!lFECTiC^RT Manufactnred at my Establishnient are Guaranteed t"> be PosiTIYELV Pfkf and sold at prices no other eStablisbment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Sti;eft, Between Nnuana and Fort Streets B0TI1 TELEFHONIiS N*o. 74. W1WG WO TA! & Co.. Nuuann Street, COMM1SSION M EBCHANTS, īmyon*r* J)t.ikw in Gh’N' L ML'Hi ’HA XL>IS£. Fine Manila Cii;ars. Chiuese and Jap iRise Cnvfc , rywure,Ms»tting9. Vasesofall kmds C;»raphorwoixi Trunka, R;«ttin Ch.iirs. a Fme A s;>rti.ieut of Dr»iss Siiks. Best Br.»nds of »*.ud Ta|>>«neso T*’-ts of L;»b-.'i Jmport <t»ons. iusj>ectioR **f New G»:»o*ls I»esj*ectfnl»v t>olicīted. Mutual Tel. 266, P. O. Box 158.