Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — Henry Treadway. [ARTICLE]

Henry Treadway.

We »re v*-rv i.> i:i|'rrn the friē id- of Mr. Henry 7re:id«ray he 19 imi.r >v;n? verv meeh in ! iM*:«lih, and lh it ar;- g M >d j f cpj» ft»r iiiK r*eov«-rine :ii{. "• th- ‘ «•" a »' ,} retun> -/ t rh!s «ia*ive ila >d He js »t pn-e$nt in J.p .n rej ceiv;ng tV h -t :uedieai uUeniioo. | It is u» lie r?gr*-fted that be wrnt t • Germ,irjy i>-.«Wd of going direct toJ.»p,n. He c<tD»iders ta» time iie spent in 6ermany l<«t aad st gn>ai:ztrr t/ie rre<iica) treatment whieh he rec*?ived there as fraod and butubug.